
FAQ on International Shipments

¥85 税込




[FAQ on International Shipments]

Q: Do you ship to my country?
We only ship domestically in Japan and are asking that international purchasers use third-party proxy buying/shipping service providers. Please check with the service provider of your choice to see whether they send to your country.

Q: Can we use proxy shipping services other than tenso.com, like White Rabbit Express?
You can use any service of your choice, so long as they handle products from the shopping site BASE (https://hakofac.thebase.in/). Tenso.com was suggested as an example of a service provider that handles products from BASE.

Q: How long will it take for the product to reach my country?
A: That will largely depend on what third party shipping service you use, and what shipping option you choose.

Q: What are the shipping/handling costs?
The additional costs charged by the proxy purchase service provider will depend on what service you use and what shipping option you choose.

Q: Tenso.com will not take my credit card.
As shipping providers are third-party services, we cannot help you with transaction issues with them; please contact tenso.com or your service provider directly. Searching on social media for transaction experiences of other purchasers may also help.


*The following credit card brands are accepted by BASE.

American Express Card (AMEX)
American Express Card and JCB may not be accepted at some stores.

Debit and prepaid credit cards are also accepted.

However, all credit card payments, regardless of debit or prepaid cards, may be rejected at the discretion of the credit card company.
In this case, please try using another credit card or another payment method.
Credit cards made overseas are not supported.

  • レビュー


  • 送料・配送方法について

  • お支払い方法について

¥85 税込

